CGL - Concentric Group LLC
CGL stands for Concentric Group LLC
Here you will find, what does CGL stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Concentric Group LLC? Concentric Group LLC can be abbreviated as CGL What does CGL stand for? CGL stands for Concentric Group LLC. What does Concentric Group LLC mean?The United States based company is located in Passaic, New Jersey engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of CGL
- Classical Greek And Latin
- Categorial Grammar Logic
- Chronic Granulocytic Leukaemia
- Code Generation Language
- Error log (CodeGuard)
- Cadent Gas Limited
- Cromwell Group Ltd
- Cala Group Limited
View 182 other definitions of CGL on the main acronym page
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- CDI Cornerstone Dynamics Inc.
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- CBT Coos Bay Toyota
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- CBDI CB Displays International
- CTP Classical Theatre Project
- CALFBR CAL Farley Boys Ranch
- CWC City Wine Cellar
- CSP Caliber Security Partners
- CRS Champaign Residential Service
- CCJDR Champaign Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
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